A vehicle that has been crashed and subsequently repaired may suffer from a loss or diminution in its value.
Diminution of Value due to Accident Repairs
Diminution in value can occur when a vehicle has been involved in an accident and consequently repaired, particularly if the body, especially parts of the body-shell have been damaged.
When a vehicle owner attempts to sell or part-exchange such a vehicle, a motor dealer who detects the repairs will typically reduce their offer.
Our expert engineers will consider a number of factors such as the make & model of the vehicle together with the extent and nature of the repairs and provide a report detailing their opinion on the likely diminution in value.
Counter Diminution Report
Sometimes diminution reports in some claims can be excessive, unrealistic or the damage is so insignificant that it would be unlikely to affect the value. In these cases our engineers can produce a counter-diminution report to assist Insurers or Defendant Solicitors to defend a claim.

Free Diminution Check
Our free diminution of value calculator can work out whether a vehicle would lose value due to the extent of the repairs. Our engineers will assess the details of the accident and provide an opinion as to whether a vehicle’s value has diminished as a result of repairs.
Enter your details to get a free diminution in value check on your vehicle. There is no obligation here and your details will not be used for marketing or passed to any third party.