Laird was founded in 2000 by current MD, Nik Ellis, after being frustrated by the lack of client collaboration & technology integration in the industry. This is even more important & relevant today.
The People Behind Laird
Nik is supported by cornerstone hand-picked managers supporting the engineers, customer service & tech teams. They follow his vision of partnering with clients to provide constantly improving service blended with innovative, useful technology.
Nik brings a relaxed, get stuff done attitude to the teams, with a highly flexible modern work environment. Everyone is empowered to use best judgement, challenge the norm & develop personally & professionally.

Independent Vehicle Assessors
Nik has hand picked his teams to ensure a wide range of skills brought in from various industries. Many of the Engineers have significant histories in the body repair & motor industries meaning they use their detailed expert knowledge to deduce the correct, safe & economical repair methods.
A large Tech department integrates within every aspect of Laird; ensuring not only efficient & accurate systems for the staff but also seamless integration for clients, in turn helping them save time & money.
The Customer Service teams bring a wealth of knowledge from blue chip companies & are empowered to make great decisions. They are challenged to constantly improve & subscribe to a Kaizen thought process.
The company culture is relaxed, but with a get s**t done attitude. Nik is keen on personal development across the teams but also realises that smart & well done work should be rewarded. So the guys have regular fun events; from simple drinks & pizza in work to long weekend ski-trips, various events for all to enjoy.